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Piercing the Corporate Veil: When Limited Liability Isn't So Limited

What is piercing the corporate veil?

The corporate veil is a fundamental principle of corporate law that separates a company's legal identity from its shareholders, protecting them from personal liability for the company's debts and obligations. However, in certain circumstances, courts may "pierce" this veil, holding shareholders personally responsible. This legal doctrine, known as "piercing the corporate veil," serves as a crucial check against the misuse of the corporate form (1).




Understanding the Corporate Veil

The corporate veil refers to the legal separation between a corporation and its shareholders (2). This separation is a key benefit of incorporating a business, as it typically shields shareholders from personal liability for the company's actions or debts. However, this protection is not absolute.

“In the interests of justice, in an ‘appropriate case,’ a party wronged by actions taken by an owner shielded by the veil of a corporate shell may exercise its equitable right to pierce that screen and ‘skewer’ the corporate owner.” David v. Mast, 1999 WL 135244 (Del. Ch. Mar. 2, 1999) (3)

When the Veil Can Be Pierced

Courts may decide to pierce the corporate veil when they determine that the corporation is merely an "alter ego" of its shareholders or when maintaining the separation would sanction fraud or promote injustice (4). Some factors courts consider include:

  1. Undercapitalization (5)

  2. Failure to observe corporate formalities

  3. Commingling of personal and corporate assets

  4. Use of corporate funds for personal purposes

  5. Fraud or misrepresentation

The Legal Test

While specific tests vary by jurisdiction, most courts use a two-pronged approach to determine whether to pierce the corporate veil:

  1. Unity of interest and ownership (6): Is there such unity between the corporation and its owners that their separate personalities no longer exist?

  2. Inequitable result: Would adhering to the corporate fiction result in fraud or injustice? (7)


Resources to Help You:

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Implications for Business Owners

The possibility of veil-piercing underscores the importance of maintaining proper corporate governance. If you have partners, and the company is in litigation creditors may try to pierce the corporate veil. If they succeed, creditors can then go after all personal assets, bank accounts, investments, and other assets to satisfy the corporate debt (8).

 Business owners should:

  • Keep personal and business finances separate

  • Maintain adequate capitalization

  • Follow all corporate formalities

  • Document business decisions and transactions

  • Avoid using corporate assets for personal benefit

Notable Cases

Several landmark cases have shaped the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil. For instance, in Anderson v. Abbott (1944), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that shareholders could be held personally liable if they exercised complete domination over the corporation, using it to conduct personal business (9).

Growing Forward

While piercing the corporate veil is relatively rare, especially for publicly traded companies, it remains a powerful legal tool to ensure corporate accountability. By understanding the factors that can lead to veil-piercing, business owners can take steps to maintain the integrity of their corporate structure and protect themselves from personal liability.


Considering the strength of your business structure, management, and how it impacts your growth trajectory?

At Intenovate Inc, our expertise isn't just about knowledge—it's about application. We're committed to ensuring your business doesn't just grow, but thrives in the most challenging landscapes. Let us be the catalyst behind your success, helping you lay a robust foundation, strategize your expansion, and keep your business on a trajectory towards consistent profitability.



The insights and recommendations provided in this series are based on extensive research and experience. However, every business is unique, and outcomes can vary. For a more personalized approach, consider reaching out to our team.

For those who prefer auditory learning or have accessibility needs, we're pleased to offer an audio version of this article. At Intenovate Inc, we believe in inclusivity and making knowledge accessible for everyone.













What is the corporate veil?

 What is piercing the corporate veil?

 When can the corporate veil be pierced?

What factors do courts consider when deciding to pierce the veil?

 What is the two-pronged test for piercing the corporate veil?

Why is maintaining proper corporate governance important?

What can business owners do to maintain the corporate veil?

 What are the implications of piercing the corporate veil?

Can shareholders be held personally liable?

How can Intenovate Inc help small businesses be protected from piercing the corporate veil?


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