Medical Solutions Liaison
At A Glance

Strong Value Proposition
Comprehensive Business Plan
Ongoing Support
"I am a medical student who had a lot of understanding of the healthcare industry and knew I had skills to offer to clinics, but I didn’t know how. I thought it was going to be simple. Have an idea, Create a business, and the business would pay for itself. I quickly saw that it just didn’t work that way. I feel like all the time I spent watching videos about guys telling me I can “make fast and easy money” was wasted. It didn’t help that I was on a student’s budget if you can call it that. I was quickly frustrated. That's when I reached out to Intenovate™ for help.
From the start, the team was incredibly supportive and helpful. They took the time to understand my goals and helped me to identify my unique strengths and areas of expertise and lay out exactly what I had to offer and why the clinics would benefit from me. The business plan was HARD. It made me really see where my business and personal finances were and were built in a way that was tailored to my specific needs and budget.
The CEO and Head Strategist was extremely organized and helped me to get my business off the ground so much faster than I was expecting. They were strict with timelines and deliverables but always made sure that I felt like a partner in the process and that my business wasn't being taken over. It really did feel like I had my own personal CEO. You could almost forget that she’s your aide, not the CEO of your company. I wanted to change that. If someone was going to go that far for me as just a client, I 100% wanted them on my team.
I was also given a personal go-to person that would check in from time to time, but for the most part, I was speaking directly with my strategist. Throughout the process, the whole team provided steady support so I could learn product development, fundraising, and about recruiting a strong team, while my company was being built for me. They were always available to answer my questions and provide guidance when needed, but for the most part, I didn’t have to do much except answer questions and attend the meetings and the training. I feel like I could have disappeared for a month and my company would have been just fine.
Thanks to their support, I was able to launch my business and within my first year of operations, I had a profitable business with a strong presence in the healthcare industry. Left and right, practitioners have been meeting with my company so I can be their liaison. All in all, I highly recommend Intenovate™ to anyone who wants to be a business owner but feels lost or overwhelmed. They are truly a fantastic firm and I am incredibly grateful for all that they have done for me. I am already thinking about my next business venture and have scheduled a time to get with Intenovate™ on that too!"
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Client was able to launch their business within their first year of operations
client was able to establish a profitable business with a strong foothold in the healthcare industry
Client was able to secure significant contracts that led to an increase in profit and national expansion